Thursday, June 5, 2008

IM programs vs 3D Enviroments

Hello again bloggers,

this weeks tutorial task was to compare the 'qualitative' differences between regular IM programs and a 3D enviroment. Firstly I had to make a quick google search for the definition of qualitative and I hope I managed to get a somewhat accurate idea of what it means. So here goes.

I guess the question really is what is different about the kinds of socialising that happens in these spaces? Does the 3D aspect make much difference? Or in more simple terms are there things that are possible in the 3D world but not in an instant messenger program?

I think that a 3D enviroments such as second life or active worlds is completly different to instant messenger such as msn. Often because people seem to escape into these worlds to become somthing that they are not in real life. They have the ability to change their appearance to create someone that probhably doesnt even look like them. Not only that but they can choose where they go in these worlds, meet all kinds of new people that are also playing the game, in saying that I guess it could be viewed more from a game aspect rather than a communication tool.

In msn messenger one would generaly come accross as themselves not another person and these days we have display pictures where most people generally uplaod a recent photo of themselves. The are not really pretending to be someone else as opposed to second life where many people are. Also in msn the contacts must be added they do not just appear this generally means that one knows all the contacts on their list where as in second life alot of the other characters are just strangers.

I think that in the end both programs are still doing the same thing. Allowing their users to communicate with other. However second life tries to make it a little more realistic and life like by intruducing worlds and characters, in that sense its a little more interactive and fun.

I was highly amused at the fact that I was able to fly around in second life and communicate with people from all over the world, I even chatted to a character who was a dog! So yes I think essentially both programs are acomplishing the same thing however 3D enviroments may be more exciting and interactive.

Thats all for today folks :)

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