Sunday, March 30, 2008

Searching without Wikipeda or Google

Here I am back from my short but memorable easter break. 9am starts are beggining to get old. None the less I am here attempting to answer the questions set out with out using wikipedia or google. The search engine used was yahoo.

  • The infamous creater of the 'love bug' virus was Onel de Guzman, a twenty four year old computer school student. He wrote the password stealing program as a school project.(
  • The first paper clip was invented in 1867 by Samuel Fay.(
  • The Ebola virus got it's name from the Ebola river in Zaire, Africa where it was first discovered.(
  • America ia the country with the largest earthquake recorded.It was located on the eastern Pacific Ocean about 100 miles off the west coast of Chile, South America on May 22, 1960There is one terabyte (Tb) = 1000 gigabytes (Gb) = 1000 000 megabytes (Mb) = 1000 000 000 kilobytes (kb) = 1 000 000 000 000 bytes or one thousand billion bytes of information.(
  • E-mail actually pre-dates the widespread use of the Internet. It was invented by Ray Tomlimson in 1971.(
  • The spread of the "storm worm" started via e-mails purporting to provide information on some dangerous storms in Europe at the close of January. Users who fell for it were directed to a web site containing malicious code aimed at turning Windows PCs into spam bots. Just how many computers are part of the botnet is anyone's guess, but estimates from some security firms are reaching as high as 10 million.(
  • Community Cabinet meetings are part of the Prime Minister’s commitment to ensure close consultation with the Australian people on the things that concern them, whether they are national or local matters.These meetings give people in the community an opportunity to meet with Cabinet members in person and ask questions directly about issues which are important to the Community Cabinet Secretariat at the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet on 1800 088 323.(
  • Steve Stockwell was in the band The Black Assassins. They were a vital part of the Brisbane Punk scene which developed in the late 1970's and early 1980's. They played at every major venue at one time or another. Sometimes they got banned for outrageous behaviour.(
  • Web 2.0 is the elovution over time of the web and how everyday people can post and put information out there, a platform we can all contribute to.(;430415830;fp;2;fpid;1)

Thats all for now so I'm off to have at go at the 'Guess the Google' game online.

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